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Topic on Extension talk:CirrusSearch/Flow

index(es) do not exist. Did you forget to run updateSearchIndexConfig

Summary by Spiros71

The path for the runJobs.php cronjob was not compatible with the new server

Spiros71 (talkcontribs)

I migrated to a new server (Almalinux 9, MW 1.39, ElasticSearch 7.10.2) and when I run php ForceSearchIndex.php --skipLinks --indexOnSkip I get the above error message.

Then I ran php UpdateSearchIndexConfig.php --startOver and I was able to (apparently) create an index with

php ForceSearchIndex.php --skipLinks --indexOnSkip
php ForceSearchIndex.php --skipParse

But checking no autocomplete or search results appeared. Checking the indexes path, there were very small files.

DCausse (WMF) (talkcontribs)

ForceSearchIndex.php should tell you how many pages are being indexed, did you seen numbers that match your wiki?

It might happen that in case of errors that some index requests are being retried, can you check the status of your Manual:Job_queue and list the number of jobs via Manual:ShowJobs.php?

What could explain the behavior you are seeing is that the pages are failing to be indexed and you don't notice it. Checking MW logs or elasticsearch logs might help.

Spiros71 (talkcontribs)

Thanks, David. The path for the runJobs.php cronjob was not compatible with the new server, I had to change that for the index to work.

Reply to "index(es) do not exist. Did you forget to run updateSearchIndexConfig"