I installed ElasticSearch but running the maintenance scripts I get the error that Cirrus Search is only compatible with ElasticSearch 7.10 which is EOL for a long time. When will the extension be updated to support the latest versions of ElasticSearch?
Topic on Extension talk:CirrusSearch/Flow
This is a guess only: Probably not at all since WMF is migrating to OpenSearch. Here, I'd expect support for a supported version. Let's see what others think.
We also have the same Problem:
We have an Elasticsearch 7.17 installation.
Before the MediaWiki update, we had version 1.39, and it worked without any problems.
Now we are using MediaWiki version 1.42. According to the wiki, only Elasticsearch 7.10.x is supported.
With maintenance-scripts, I also get the error message that the version is not supported.
Is it intentional that versions > 7.10.x do not work?
Is there perhaps a workaround?
Unfortunately there was a licencing change at Elastic, versions of elasticsearch after 7.10.2 have a different license which we chose not to move forward with. It's plausible that the compatability check in includes/Maintenance/ConfigUtils.php could be loosened up and everything would work on 7.17, but we've never tested it.
Longer term the plan is indeed to migrate everything over to OpenSearch. This should happen over the coming months, we already have test instances running CirrusSearch with OpenSearch 1.
Since I recently upgraded to 1.42.3 I'm in limbo, the upgrade took me half an hour. I had to give up on upgrading the search engine after struggling through lots of conflicting documentation.
Please publish the opensearch branch of cirrussearch, so I can switch now and help with development.
I also ran in the same problem, especially now that MW 1.43 is released, people are going to switch to the next LTS sooner or later. I've run the update on a test version of a wiki and yeah, search is broken because of the compatibility check being too strict (it worked before.)
Any help would be appreciated in trying to remove the compatibility check for ES 7.10 (I'm also running 7.17 and can't downgrade due to my ES being used by my mastodon instance too.)
nano /extensions/CirrusSearch/includes/Maintenance/ConfigUtils.php
change 7.10 to 7.17
working fine for us after that