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Topic on Extension talk:PluggableAuth/Archive 2

MediaWiki 1.42.1 Upgrade, PlugableAuth(1.42) not working.

Hpyjoy (talkcontribs)

I downloaded the version marked as compatible with MediaWiki 1.42.1 - PluggableAuth-REL1_42-b35addc.

However, I am receiving the message "Could not load authentication plugin". I am using SAML, so I also updated SimpleSAMLphp to the 1.42.1 version of that extension.

I had updated my PHP to 8.3.# since it is now compatible with this new version of MediaWiki. The error I got with that version of PHP indicated that there was deprecated code in PluggableAuth.

Deprecated: "Creation of dynamic property MediaWiki\Extension\PluggableAuth\BeginAuthenticationRequest::$pluggableauthlogin0 is deprecated in /var/www/html/includes/session/Session.php"

When I downgraded back to PHP 8.1#, the detailed error message disappeared, and I am now stuck with the vague message "Could not load authentication plugin".

Has anyone else experienced this. I am wondering if the current version of PluggableAuth is truly compatible with MediaWiki 1.42.1

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

I'm using this extension in production with MediaWiki 1.41 and PHP 8.1.

That said, I would look for more information from the debug log. Have you tried the steps in How to debug MediaWiki? (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the reply. I too am successfully running it in 1.41. The upgrade to 1.42 broke things. I didn't change any of the previous settings. I will check the debug logs in the morning to search for clues.

Georgesanjeev (talkcontribs)

Any update on this? I've run into the same issue. Setup LDAP for my mediaiwki instance. Keep getting

Creation of dynamic property MediaWiki\Extension\PluggableAuth\BeginAuthenticationRequest::$password is deprecated in AuthenticationRequest.php on line 221

MediaWiki\Extension\PluggableAuth\BeginAuthenticationRequest::$pluggableauthlogin0 is deprecated in AuthenticationRequest.php on line 182

I tried the ShowUserGroups.php, and ShowUserInfo.php and it pulls up my user easily. But the CheckLogin.php shows FAILED eventhough my password is correct

Tallitsch (talkcontribs)

I am experiencing the same original error. I have found that I also don't have REMOTE_User being set. I am upgrading from 1.41.1 to 1.42.1 using PluggableAuth and AuthRemoteUser. Here is the link to AuthRemoteUser comments. Extension talk:AuthRemoteUser - MediaWiki

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