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Topic on Project:Support desk

Azoundria (talkcontribs)

Currently using MediaWiki version 1.39.1.

The article for the page table says "The text of the page itself is stored in the text table. To retrieve the text of an article, MediaWiki first searches for page_title in the page table. Then, page_latest is used to search the revision table for rev_id, and rev_text_id is obtained in the process. The value obtained for rev_text_id is used to search for old_id in the text table to retrieve the text."

However, there is no rev_text_id in the revision table anymore. I believe this changed in more recent versions. I have been trying to figure out how to get the right entry in the text table for a given page (the latest revision of that page) and not sure how to do this now. If anyone could help that would be very appreciated!

Bawolff (talkcontribs)
Reply to "1.39.1"