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Topic on Project:Village Pump

BoggzTheMonster (talkcontribs)


I use a private mediawiki in my company and today I had a data leak by one of my employee. He has been caught copying and pasting the pages content directly into a Word document. After this I went looking at the page UserPageViewTracker to see its activity. I discovered that this morning he just visited 187 pages which seems very supicious. I wondered if there is any way to get informed when a user has a suspicious activity. I searched for a solution but mediawiki doesn't seem to have one. I thought about using Google Analytics or Matomo to track this activity but it seems impossible to send any alert when a user visits to much pages in a short amount of time. So I'm asking if anybody has a solution for this. Should I create my own extension on Mediawiki, or should I change my wiki to a knowledge database for example, or should I code a python script checking tracking the activity, or should I use a monitoring app ? Or is there an easier solution for this ?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Dinoguy1000 (talkcontribs)

If the information in question needs to have accesses audited (e.g. it's confidential and your company needs to know who accesses what when), MediaWiki is probably not the right platform for it (though I don't know what software might be a better fit).

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