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Topic on Extension talk:AWS/Flow

File not found Although this PHP script (/img_auth.php) exists, the file requested for output (mwstore://AmazonS3/local-public/Pipe_header.jpg) does not.

LuciferVN (talkcontribs)

I have followed all the steps, the extension is loaded but i am getting 500 error i don't know why ..

Maybe i might have not configured right ??

i have first created an inline policy to allow all the permissions for bucket Hello and then i have created IAM role and attached that inline policy to that and then attached that IAM role to the EC2 on which mediawiki is running

My s3 bucket is hello and it has a folder inside it called helloworld and in that folder i have all the images so my local settings should be like this right ....???

FILE STRUCTURE: hello/helloworld/....(all the images)

wfLoadExtension( 'AWS' );

$wgAWSBucketName = "hello";

$wgAWSBucketTopSubdirectory = "/helloworld";

Help I am new to this

Reply to "File not found Although this PHP script (/img_auth.php) exists, the file requested for output (mwstore://AmazonS3/local-public/Pipe_header.jpg) does not."