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Option to apply filters on a large wikitable

Abhidevananda (talkcontribs)

I have created a "data" page with a single, sortable wikitable (with six columns of information).

This is a very large table (well over 3000 rows now, and it will eventually reach more than 5000 rows). Besides raw data, each row contains a link to a distinct article. As it stands, the page is quite useful. Nevertheless, I want to enhance its value by letting users apply filters to the table so that only the filtered rows are displayed. Chief among the filters that must be available would be a Category filter. And I also want to offer a filter based on search string.

I have seen something similar to what i want on Special pages. For example, Special:All_pages has something like that. Is it possible to do the same thing on my own page?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)
Abhidevananda (talkcontribs)

@Bawolff thanks for giving some thought to my question and your reply. However, having cast a quick glance at those two extensions, I'm also thinking "not really". :)

Osnard (talkcontribs)
Abhidevananda (talkcontribs)

@Osnard thanks. Yes, I have looked at the BlueSpice extensions. From what I can tell, they add some cosmetic value but are mostly dependent on the existing data in the table's columns. What would be most useful for me is to filter on the basis of information not available in the columns but rather stored within Categories. But I have concluded that this is probably not possible at present... at least not without more work than I am prepared to invest on it.

Jonathan3 (talkcontribs)

You could 100% do that with Cargo. It has a built-in "Drilldown" page with filters. You can use your own template to replace the standard list with a table.

Also, for queries it has a dynamic table output format, though I don't know whether it would cope with a 5000-line table. Maybe ask on the extension's talk page.

Abhidevananda (talkcontribs)

@Jonathan3, thanks for the input. I just looked closer at Cargo. Yes, it might work. But there were some caveats in the documentation. Unfortunately, it seems that the installation and configuration of this extension would require more technical expertise than I currently have, in other words, the sysop that I currently am missing. :) I will keep this in mind for the future.

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