Medik on my mediawiki installation only shows the TOC to the right, with text on the left. I want it to appear only at the top (the default for e.g., Timeless skin). How is this done? Thanks for any suggestions
Topic on Skin talk:Medik/Flow
A clarification: My TOC for Medik skin ONLY is floating to the right. It does not show this behavior for any other skin I have installed. What might be causing only my Medik skin to show this behavior??
Hello, you can change this in skins/Medik/resources/desktop.css
Just disable/remove this part:
#toc.toc {
float: right;
Perfect!! Thank you for pointing me to that!
FYI (to other newbies), to disable some code in a .css file without removing it (so it is easier to keep track of what you have changed):
Put "/*" and "*/" around the code you want to disable. So in this case, change:
#toc.toc {
float: right;
/*#toc.toc {
float: right;