Using pluggableauth and simplesamlphp versions for mediawiki 1.41.1
I am going from this:
'mapGroups_Map' => [ 'mediawiki group' => ['saml attribute' => ['group 1', 'group 2', '...']]]
to this using pluggable auth, but it is not working. Better examples would be useful either in the simplesaml or the plugableauth docs . I have tried putting the mediawiki group first and that does not work either.
'...://' contains the attribute. I had to remove the http and replace with "..." because it would not let me post my question with it in place.
<Attribute Name="...://"> <AttributeValue>Admin</AttributeValue> </Attribute>
$wgPluggableAuth_Config["Log in without Password (SSO)"] = [ "plugin" => "SimpleSAMLphp", "data" => [ "authSourceId" => "default-sp", "usernameAttribute" => "alias", "realNameAttribute" => "displayname", "emailAttribute" => "email" ], "groupsyncs" => [ [ 'type' => 'mapped', 'map' => [ 'Admin' => [ '...://' => ['sysop'] ], 'User_draft_edit' => [ '...://' => ['bureaucrat'] ], 'User_draft_read' => [ '...://' => ['suppress'] ] ] ] ] ];