having the results in a specific language was something that was planned in the motivation, but trying today to pass language as a parameter ( https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=imageinfo&format=json&iiprop=extmetadata&iilimit=10&titles=File:Aubagne%20centre%20-%20bo%C3%AEte%20%C3%A0%20livres.jpg&language=fr ) I am told that it is not recognized. Has it been implemented using another parameter or is this only in English right now?
Topic on Extension talk:CommonsMetadata/Flow
(see the API docs). It only works when the image metadata has been provided in that language by an editor, though.
thanks Tgr for the quick reply, it seems to work fine with some examples I have tested, will try to test it soon to display creator's names on my website rather than redirecting to Commons ( https://www.boites-a-livres.fr/ville/plassay/17250/boite-8119 )