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Topic on Skin talk:Chameleon/Flow

Two Hamburger Menu Buttons on Mobile

Summary by Kghbln

Tracked with issue 418 on GitHub

Findjam (talkcontribs)

I've installed Chameleon on my wiki and everything is working great. It's a fantastic skin. The only issue I'm seeing is that when viewing on mobile I have two hamburger menu buttons.

One has this element:

<nav class="p-navbar collapsible small bg-darker" role="navigation" id="mw-navigation">

Which doesn't work when clicked on.

And one with:

<nav class="p-navbar collapsible" role="navigation" id="mw-navigation-hn470628vf" style="position: relative; left: auto; width: 412px;">

Which does work and is the one that is supposed to be displayed.

MediaWiki version: 1.41.0

PHP version: 7.4.33

Chameleon version: 4.3.0

Bootstrap (extension) version: 4.6.2

I did have MobileFrontEnd installed previously but I've disabled that and still have this issue.

# wfLoadExtension( 'MobileFrontend' );

# $wgDefaultMobileSkin = 'minerva';

I've tried explicitly setting this to Chameleon as well:

# $wgDefaultMobileSkin = 'chameleon';

But that didn't fix the issue either. Not sure what to try at the moment. Any advice appreciated.

PatrikRoy (talkcontribs)

I don't know which layout you're using, but I got this same problem using stickyhead.

In your xml template file, add collapsible="no" to the first component:

<component type="NavbarHorizontal" class="small bg-darker" collapsible="no">

Or delete the entire first horizontal navbar if you don't use it.

Findjam (talkcontribs)

Brilliant PatrikRoy. This did the trick. Thank you.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)
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