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Topic on Skin talk:Chameleon/Flow

Navigation bar and theme not loading on my Chameleon skin

Newman2 (talkcontribs)

MediaWiki version: 1.36.2

PHP version: 7.4.33 (fpm-fcgi)

Chameleon version: 4.0.0

Bootstrap (extension) version: 4.5.0

Hello. I finally installed dependencies on Chameleon, however there is something wrong. I noticed that the theme for my skin is not loading properly. On my wiki skin appears to lack the navbar and background colors that Chameleon is supposed to have. I chose those versions of Chameleon and Bootstrap because I thought it was suitable with the version of MediaWiki I am currently using on my wiki family.

I read the Customization document and applied the theme by downloading the SCSS files from Bootswatch's website, and then uploading them to my skin's /themes directory and adding them to my Localsettings.php. I also added layouts to my Localsettings.php.

I tried doing everything I could, but my skin looks stripped down to basics. See this image: https://ibb.co/1X5VXGM

Here is the code that I put in my Localsettings.php:

$egChameleonLayoutFile= __DIR__ . '/skins/Chameleon/layouts/standard.xml'; $egChameleonLayoutFile= __DIR__ . '/skins/Chameleon/layouts/navhead.xml'; $egChameleonLayoutFile= __DIR__ . '/skins/Chameleon/layouts/clean.xml';

$egChameleonExternalStyleModules = [ __DIR__ . '/skins/Chameleon/resources/styles/themes/darkly.scss' => 'afterFunctions',

__DIR__ . '/skins/Chameleon/resources/styles/themes/darkly_bootswatch.scss' => 'afterMain',


Cavila (talkcontribs)

Supposing you also included wfLoadExtension('Bootstrap') and wfLoadSkin('chameleon'), it does look like something fails, which may happen if for instance, there is an error in one of your scss files, such as a reference to a variable that doesn't exist. You wouldn't be the first to have problems with a Bootswatch theme: https://github.com/ProfessionalWiki/chameleon/issues/86. Does it work without egChameleonExternalStyleModules?

P.S. You are somehow pointing to three different layouts, loading one and then overriding it with another, so you end up with clean.xml. Is that the layout you intended? Anyway, just pick one.

Newman2 (talkcontribs)

I removed the layouts and the egChameleonExternalStyleModules, and then I reloaded my Chameleon skin page. However, it still shows up with a stripped down, simple-looking appearance instead of what it is supposed to look like. Anything to add?

Cavila (talkcontribs)

If you followed the instructions to the letter, adhered to the correct order of appearance, etc., that shouldn't happen. I can't help you on the basis of the information you provided.

Newman2 (talkcontribs)

What do you mean by "following the instructions to the letter?" I don't understand what that meant.

Cavila (talkcontribs)

Don't worry. I'm simply referring to the instructions for installing and configuring Chameleon, as found over on Github. If you have access to error/warning logs, maybe there's something in there that looks relevant.

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