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Topic on Extension talk:Math/Archive 2016 to 2024

*Surak* (talkcontribs)

I am not sure if I identified the following as true issues, therefore, I didn't dare to change the documentaiton on myself. Maybe one of the devlopers can have a short look here?

In chapter 4 List of significant configuration settings, the table has in rows 3 and 4:

Setting name Default value Description
$wgMathFullRestbaseURL false The math extension gets the default config from the Visual Editor, if available. Details.
$wgMathPreferRestbaseURL true Whether to allow using of internal RESTBase path instead of $wgMathFullRestbaseURL and $wgVisualEditorFullRestbaseURL. Set false if you want to use external RESTBase in any case.

The table would make more sense to me, if the setting name '$wgMathFullRestbaseURL' is replaced by '$wgVisualEditorFullRestbaseURL', since '$wgMathFullRestbaseURL' is already defined in chapter 3.1.1 Mathoid as a service as https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_, and cannot be set to a boolean value at the same time.

Another question in regard to the Details link: It currently refers to MathRestbaseInterface.php#182 ($rbi = $rbis[$i++];). Is the link potentially broken?

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