Hi, back in 2020 I used Special:LinkSearch to find articles contaning certain URL patters. I used it to search for articles that contain URLs that started with strictly "http://kb.nl" (so not "https://kb.nl", "http://www.kb.nl", "http://*.kb.nl" or similar patterns). Back then this query only returned URLs stricty starting with "http://kb.nl"
3 years later: I just tried this query again (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:LinkSearch&limit=500&offset=0&target=http%3A%2F%2Fkb.nl), but now I get results with URLS starting with http://www.kb.nl, http://liber-maps.kb.nl, http://poortman.kb.nl/, http://bltvn.kb.nl, http://opc4.kb.nl and other subdomains of http://kb.nl as well. That's not what I need.
Has the functionality of Special:LinkSearch indeed changed since 2020? And how can I get back the 'old' functionality? Can I tweak the API-call to serve the old functionality?