1. In HCUpdater.php the stuff around 'rename_table.sql' should be removed, because it is only needed in MediaWiki in Version 1.25.
2. In HitCounters.hooks.php the "$contLang->formatNum()" does not set the punctuation correctly in the internationalisation of the comma number:
$totalViews = HitCounters::views() ?? 0;
$extraStats = [
'hitcounters-statistics-header-views' => [
'hitcounters-statistics-views-total' => $totalViews,
'hitcounters-statistics-views-peredit' => $contLang->formatNum(
? sprintf( '%.2f', $totalViews / SiteStats::edits() )
: 0
) ],
'hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular' => self::getMostViewedPages( $statsPage )
Moreover, it does not prevent the division by zero.
This should do the job accurately:
$totalEdits = SiteStats::edits() ?? 0;
$totalViews = HitCounters::views() ?? 0;
['hitcounters-statistics-views-total'] = $totalViews;
['hitcounters-statistics-views-peredit'] =
( $totalEdits > 0 )
? sprintf( '%.2f', $totalViews / $totalEdits )
: 0;
) ],
'hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular' => self::getMostViewedPages( $statsPage )
3. In SpecialPopularPages.php, what exactly is "getPrefixedText()" doing here?
$link = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink(
$this->getContentLanguage()->convert( $title->getPrefixedText() )
I guess, this is doing the job as well:
$link = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink( $title )
--WikiForMen (talk) 18:55, 4 October 2023 (UTC)