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Topic on Extension talk:DrawioEditor/Flow

Edit button does not work

Fledorze (talkcontribs)

I have 1.39.1 mediawiki version (backport on Debian bulleyes) and last Github version of DrawioEditor.

Wen I click on edit button, nothing happens. No trafic is generated to embed.diagrams.net.

What should I do ?

Dylan Banta (talkcontribs)

Same issue.


This build: Special:ExtensionDistributor?extdistname=DrawioEditor&extdistversion=REL1_39

I'm experiencing this with both the default $wgDrawioEditorBackendUrl and a self hosted one in Docker that works when I navigate to it.

Not sure how to fix it. (talkcontribs)

The only working version is with mediawiki 1.35, tried 1.39, 1.40 nothing works.

Seems that there is a Content Type mismatch error while load.php only=scripts is loading.

Fledorze (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

found that drawioeditor tag 2.01 (can be found on the github repo) works with 1.39....

It's not perfect but at least I can be in 1.39.....

EU0873 (talkcontribs)

Same issue, same solution on mediawiki 1.41.

Downloaded the 2.01 and no issues any more...

Thanks for the tip! (talkcontribs)

Same issue, and 2.01 also works. Thanks very much!

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