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Topic on User talk:Universal Omega/Flow

Cursor at wrong position with Codemirror

Miradocu (talkcontribs)

We have since recently a mediawiki with the Cosmos skin running on our internal network, mainly for testing for documentation purposes. First we want to thank you for the great work on Cosmos and mediawiki.

However, unfortunately we experiencing some strange behavior when using the Code Editor. The cursor does not reflect the current position and corrections in the Code editor are some kind of difficult.

If deleting a char, there is a char deleted by a shift of (2) two, to the left and not at the actual position of the cursor.

Most of our connected systems are gentoo or debian based (if this does play a role).

This are our custom settings in the LocalSettings.php:

# The following permissions were set based on your choice in the installer

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;

## Default skin: you can change the default skin. Use the internal symbolic

## names, e.g. 'vector' or 'monobook':

wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );

wfLoadSkin( 'erudite' );

wfLoadSkin( 'Metrolook' );

wfLoadSkin( 'CologneBlue' );

wfLoadSkin( 'Refreshed' );

wfLoadSkin( 'Cosmos' );

wfLoadSkin( 'Gamepress' );

wfLoadSkin( 'Modern' );

wfLoadSkin( 'Poncho' );

wfLoadSkin( 'Timeless' );

$wgDefaultSkin = "Cosmos";

# End of automatically generated settings.

# Add more configuration options below.

## Extensions


# Visual editor - let edit with GUI

wfLoadExtension( 'VisualEditor' );

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['writeapi'] = true;

$wgDefaultUserOptions['visualeditor-enable'] = 1;



wfLoadExtension( 'AutoCreateCategoryPages' );

wfLoadExtension( 'ForceTocOnEveryPage' );

wfLoadExtension( 'LinkTitles' );

wfLoadExtension( 'AdminLinks' );



# Ms Insert - add dropdown menu to editor to insert templates

wfLoadExtension( 'MsInsert' );

$wgTemplates[] = 'Template:NewPage';

$wgTemplates[] = 'Template:Test';



wfLoadExtension( 'CreatedPagesList' );

wfLoadExtension( 'EmbedVideo' );

wfLoadExtension( 'CodeMirror' );

wfLoadExtension( 'WikiEditor' );

$wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'usebetatoolbar';

$wgWikiEditorRealtimePreview = true;

wfLoadExtension( 'CodeEditor' );

$wgDefaultUserOptions['usebetatoolbar'] = 1;

wfLoadExtension( 'SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi' );

$wgPygmentizePath = "/var/www/html/mediawiki/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/pygments/pygmentize";

We did not changed anything else from the default install, since we are still testing it, to integrate it later.

Do you know a quick way to fix this, so we can present a working result with the Cosmos skin?

Unfortunate I do not have any experience with front end, but I my first idea is maybe it's of the margin or font? Can this be easily changed? Or do you have a better suggestion?

The Code Editor is very important for us and the Cosmos skin looks and integrates very well.

Thank you very much.

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