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Topic on Project talk:Side bar redesign 2022

Getting rid of the link to the tech blog is unfortunate

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I think this is a bit sad, and diminishes a key communication channel.

The justification is that it appears on Communication which is already in the list, but it's the 22nd primary source linked on that page (being generous and counting all of the IRC channels linked as just one).

Quiddity (talkcontribs)

That's a good point. Those posts definitely are more outsider-oriented (versus many of the phab:phame microblogs). I guess the main other discovery mechanism for that blog is via the @wikimediatech twitter account?

If it updated more frequently I'd easily agree with keeping it in the Sidebar. But there was 87 days between the latest and previous post. So I'm not sure.

PerfektesChaos (talkcontribs)

If something is announced as “Tech Blog” on major portal, I am expecting the one and only communication channel when I begin to experience this world.

However, that link is one of manifold News, mailing lists, chats, announcements, blogs, IRC, and whatever. And it seems not to be the most recent state.

Then the sidebar link needs to go for a survey page of various communication channels for people with different focus.

  • And the one in question shall be listed there at appropriate position, and all channels do need a brief explanation narrowing thematic field and audience.
  • The survey page may be grouped in sections for different addressees.
Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

If something is announced as “Tech Blog” on major portal, I am expecting the one and only communication channel when I begin to experience this world.

Yup, or at least an important one.

However, that link is one of manifold News, mailing lists, chats, announcements, blogs, IRC, and whatever. And it seems not to be the most recent state.

You mean the Communications link? Yes, but that's a different link to the Tech blog one we're talking about. Or are you saying something else?

This post was hidden by Quiddity (history)
PerfektesChaos (talkcontribs)

I want one communications link, and on that landing page I do expect guidance which channel will serve my needs with which content.

There are Q&A help desks for bidirectional communication, there are newsletters in a one-way mode, some are addressed to MW developers, some are heading for people maintaining a MW installation, some are informing WMF networking and server people, some are for maintaining mediawiki.org content. Some may be a forum, a mailing list, a blog, an IRC, a bug report entry.

I want Tech Blog embedded in this overall picture and when exploring all these channels I want a brief explanation which area is covered, and which audience is addressed.

Tech Blog is mentioned there today, and got such a brief description. Among 28 channels, and this is fine and sufficient.

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