The configuration for my jsonconfig extension in the LocalSettings.php is the following.
$wgJsonConfigEnableLuaSupport = true; $wgJsonConfigModels['Tabular.JsonConfig'] = 'JsonConfig\JCTabularContent'; $wgJsonConfigs['Tabular.JsonConfig'] = [ 'namespace' => 486, 'nsName' => 'Data', // page name must end in ".tab", and contain at least one symbol 'pattern' => '/.\.tab$/', 'license' => 'CC0-1.0', 'isLocal' => true, 'store' => true, ];
When i try to query for json tables that i have stored on the instance using the following,
<DOMAIN HERE>/w/api.php?action=query&list=search&srsearch=tab contentmodel:Tabular.JsonConfig &srnamespace=486&srlimit=10&format=json
i get the following result
What correction must i make to my api query statement to make this work ?