Hello! The high-level idea was to develop an experimental extension in Scratch to enable children to create information-rich and data-driven stories, animations, and games using content and data from Wikidata/Wikipedia. From a quick digging into Scratch, we found that children do try to copy content right now from Wikipedia to use it in their projects. See for reference: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/2026251/editor/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/303064240/editor/. A bunch of extensions available under Scratch 3.0 allows children to do much more powerful things. For example, a Translate extension enables them to translate words between languages via Google Translate: https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Translate_Extension. There is a parallel between the idea we were thinking of implementing and this extension. But, having said this, I believe that this project would also need research besides development to understand how children use it and maybe discussion w/the Scratch team about what they think of an idea like this. I believe that Wikipedia/Wikidata has rich information that can be accessed via such an extension that children can then use to narrate stories about their favorite television stories, movie characters, musicians, etc. @Tuxology. I initially proposed this idea pre-pandemic to the Scratch conference and was accepted. But we let go when the pandemic hit. Also, the last thing is that this idea is relevant to the Scratch community and might not be relevant to the wiki world; if you decide to go further, I might be up for providing feedback on the design and conducting research w/ children in my personal capacity.