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Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow

How to delete the "Help" link in category pages?

7 (talkcontribs)

MediaWiki 1.36.1

If I go to any category page there is a link on top of it, named "Help".

How to remove it from all category pages?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

I guess setting the page MediaWiki:namespace-14-helppage to something that is not a valid page name (but not empty or '-') would do it. For example, setting it to '<'.

You could also add css like .mw-helplink { display:none} (That will kill all help links, not just the category ones)

This post was hidden by Bawolff (history)
This post was hidden by Bawolff (history)
Jonathan3 (talkcontribs)

I've used .mw-indicators {display: none} and according to past me's comments this gets rid of things including help links on category pages. (talkcontribs)

What I did was to go to


And comment the code which prints the button, so

$this->getIndicators() .


// $this->getIndicators() . (talkcontribs)

What I did disappeared it both for mobile and desktop displays.

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