Hi, i tried to create a new custom namespace, and a group that can edit this namespace and only this namespace, but can read all the other namespaces using the Lockdown extension. Here is the settings i made.
I'm using MW 1.35.
The new namespace is DATALAN, the new group is datalan.
define("CUST", 3001);
define("USR", 3002);
define("DATALAN", 3003);
$wgExtraNamespaces[CUST] = "Customization";
$wgExtraNamespaces[USR] = "Users_guide";
$wgExtraNamespaces[DATALAN] = "Users_guide_SVK";
$wgGroupPermissions['datalan']['read'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['datalan']['edit'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['datalan']['createpage'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['datalan']['delete'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['datalan']['move'] = false;
$wgAdminCanReadAll = true;
$wgAccessControlRedirect = false;
$wgNamespacePermissionLockdown['*']['edit'] = [ 'bureaucrat'];
$wgNamespacePermissionLockdown[CUST]['read'] = array( 'bureaucrat','reader');
$wgNamespacePermissionLockdown[USR]['read'] = array( 'bureaucrat','reader');
$wgNamespacePermissionLockdown[DATALAN]['read'] = array( 'bureaucrat','reader', 'datalan' );
$wgNamespacePermissionLockdown[DATALAN]['edit'] = array( 'datalan');
If i enable the Lockdown extension, the edit icon on the pages inside the DATALAN NS are disappearing for the users in the group datalan. The reading restrict acces works perfectly, if a user in a datalan group tries to read a page, that is in CUST namespace or the other.
I woulde be very happy if somene can help me!