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Topic on Extension talk:BetaFeatures/Flow

Table 'foo_wiki.foobetafeatures_user_counts' doesn't exist (localhost)

Iresprite (talkcontribs)

I'm seeing this error:

Error 1146: Table 'foo_wiki.foobetafeatures_user_counts' doesn't exist (localhost)

Function: MediaWiki\Extension\BetaFeatures\Hooks::getUserCounts

Query: SELECT feature,number FROM `foobetafeatures_user_counts` WHERE feature = 'popupsreferencepreviews'

I have the backtrace, if that helps. I was able to confirm that foobetafeatures_user_counts does exist (confirmed both by update.php and by visual inspection of the DB). Can anyone help me sort this out?

Iresprite (talkcontribs)

As a note, I'm running Mediawiki 1.36.2.

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