I have a Mediawiki website, version 1.37, with the Timeless skin. I installed the Google Adsense extension yesterday and it appears listed as it should in Special:Version.
In the LocalSettings.php file I have added the following lines of code:
wfLoadExtension( 'GoogleAdSense' );
$wgGoogleAdSenseClient = 'ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$wgGoogleAdSenseSlot = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
$wgGoogleAdSenseSrc = '//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
When I check the code of different Mediawiki's pages I don't see any Adsense code added, so obviously the extension does not work. Have I done something wrong or does the extension have an issue?