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Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow

Arabic numerals on Sindhi Wikipedia

JogiAsad (talkcontribs)

Hi, I want to draw your attention towards a problem on Sindhi Wikipedia that Arabic numbers are showing on whole wiki, each page, each section is in arabic digits its hard to understand and digits are too small to comprehension, Persho-Arabic_Sindhi numbers are not widely used nowadays and its very hard to comprehended. on the behalf of Sindhi Wikipedia community and as an admin I request to change the arabic numbers with either perso-Sindhi numbers or to English digits. suppose ١٤٬٧٨٦ is arabic number (١٤٬٧٨٦ shows the current articles of sdwiki on special page). HERE IS THE CONSENSUS PAGE and VOTES FOr THIS CHANGE REQEUEST Reference: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Requesting_wiki_configuration_changes#Request_for_English_numbering_on_Sindhi_Wikipedia


Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Phabricator is the place to request this type of change. We at the support desk can't do anything about this. (Sorry. It sounds like there has been much back and forth on this topic which i imagine has been frustrating.)

Also just a note - the term "arabic numerals" in english more commonly refers to 1234567890 then the arabic letter style numerals, so it can be a bit of a confusing term in english.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

I've attempted to give this a little prod on phabricator, to hopefully move things forward.

We (along with many other software projects) get translation data from the CLDR project, so you could also try filing a bug with the CLDR project to change what they have marked as the correct way to write numerals in Sindhi - https://cldr.unicode.org/index/bug-reports

JogiAsad (talkcontribs)

CLDR project request seems complicated at the moment I'll try again to understand its process to request changes. However this problem of arabic-sindhi numberals on sdwiki is still problematic. screenshot https://ibb.co/mNyQ0c1

JogiAsad (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Arabic numerals on Sindhi Wikipedia"