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Topic on Skin talk:Erudite/Flow

Change Position of Privacy (et al) links

Ktfeenan (talkcontribs)

on our site there ae a number of default links (privacy, about, disclaimer, etc) that are listed in long form.


I'd like to do a couple of things

1) change where the "privacy policy" link goes to - as we have a master privacy policy on our main website

2) add in a couple of additional links (terms of service)

3) either switch this up so that its not stacked but rather side-by-side and/or move it to the footer (col 3)

Is there an easy way to do this without having to modify the skin php code - I'm assuming any changes I make directly to the code will get wiped out if there is an update to the skin and that any updates will over-write all custom changes.

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