MW: 1.36.0
Can this extension display the real name for the contributor's name in discussion page (like this page) using Flow (StructuredDiscussions) extension?
In my site, it doesn't display.
A patch created based on the suggestion by the user and merged.
MW: 1.36.0
Can this extension display the real name for the contributor's name in discussion page (like this page) using Flow (StructuredDiscussions) extension?
In my site, it doesn't display.
I made ad hoc changes to the lookForLinks function in Realnames.php, then contributer's name is now displayed.
$pattern = '/(<a\b[^">]+href="[^">]+'
. self::getNamespacePrefixes( true )
. '([^"\\?\\&>]+)[^>]+>(?:[ \n\t]*<bdi>)?)'
. self::getNamespacePrefixes()
. '?([^>]+)((?:<\\/bdi>)?<\\/a>)/';
I turned this into a gerrit patch