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Topic on Extension talk:ConfirmEdit

Using hCaptcha on MediaWiki 1.31-1.34

Summary last edited by SunAfterRain 11:31, 14 April 2022 2 years ago

There is a quick hack you can use to get hCaptcha kind of working on MediaWiki 1.31-1.34. This is not an official backport—use at your own risk. I'm not liable for any potential security breach that may result from these changes.

  1. Change line 139 protected function addCaptchaAPI( (as seen at https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-ConfirmEdit/blob/master/hCaptcha/includes/HCaptcha.php#L139) to public function addCaptchaAPI(.
  2. Remove the call to the addCSPSources() method on line 41 of HTMLHCaptchaField.php, since pre-1.35 doesn't offer support for this (as seen at https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-ConfirmEdit/blob/master/hCaptcha/includes/HTMLHCaptchaField.php#L41).
MyWikis-JeffreyWang (talkcontribs)

There is a quick hack you can use to get hCaptcha kind of working on MediaWiki 1.31-1.34. This is not an official backport—use at your own risk. I'm not liable for any potential security breach that may result from these changes.

  1. Change line 139 protected function addCaptchaAPI( (as seen at https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-ConfirmEdit/blob/master/hCaptcha/includes/HCaptcha.php#L139) to public function addCaptchaAPI(.
  2. Remove the call to the addCSPSources() method on line 41 of HTMLHCaptchaField.php, since pre-1.35 doesn't offer support for this (as seen at https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-ConfirmEdit/blob/master/hCaptcha/includes/HTMLHCaptchaField.php#L41).