How do I change the SyntaxHighlight for mac
files so that they are highlighted as ma
files instead? Wolfram Mathematica (Pygments language mma
) ma
filetype is the closest I can find in Pygments to represent Maxima mac
files (which is not included with Pygments), but the mac
filetype is already assigned in Pygments to Easytrieve (Pygments language easytrieve
). Nicole Sharp (talk) 17:15, 14 March 2021 (UTC)
Topic on Extension talk:SyntaxHighlightPages/Flow
It might be easier if the Pygments language could be manually selected as the page content model, instead of a generic "syntaxhighlight." This would allow for example XHTML files saved as htm
to be displayed using either Pygments html
or Pygments xml
. Nicole Sharp (talk) 17:25, 14 March 2021 (UTC)
Selecting a language is out of the scope of this extension.
More feasible would be allowing extensions to be mapped to lexer names like:
$wgSyntaxHighlightPagesSuffixes = ["htm" => "html"];
I opened an issue for this on GitHub. While I don't have time to implement this, I would accept a pull request that implements this feature.
Being able to manually assign languages to file extensions would definitely be helpful. Extension:Highlightjs_Integration
allows this type of customization. Would it be possible to apply HighlightJS instead of Pygments for SyntaxHighlightPages? HighlightJS supports Maxima whereas Pygments does not. The closest language to Maxima (maxima
/ .mac
) in Pygments is actually mupad
) instead of mma
) but full Maxima support would be better. Nicole Sharp (talk) 22:32, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
I'm afraid switching to Highlightjs is also out of the scope of this extension. Mapping extensions to languages could be very easily implemented but I don't have the time for it -- however someone responded on GitHub maybe they'll implement it.
Once this has been solved you might be able to use ... pygments allows the installation of unofficial lexers, but I don't know how easy it is to use them with the MediaWiki extension.