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Topic on Project:Support desk

Klein Muçi (talkcontribs)

Hello! Instructions here tell you how to set up a summary or leave the default specific edit summaries for your bot. How can I make it to have both simultaneously? For example:

General summary message: [specific edit that was made]

Malyacko (talkcontribs)
Klein Muçi (talkcontribs)

Hey! Thank you for the fast response! :) I've literally read every page there is to read about the documentation of Pywikibot (how to operate it on PAWS, computer and Toolforge) and even searched specific pywikibot script examples that are available to see to learn about that specific thing but I couldn't find any information that specifically tells you what I wanted to know.

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

I should have been more explicit, sorry - Please see "Get help" on Manual:Pywikibot. I'm not sure how many people know much about Pywikibot on the MediaWiki support desk.

Klein Muçi (talkcontribs)

Oh, I see. I tried posting at the corresponding talk page but I read the notice there that said I should post here. Unfortunately I haven't had much luck with IRC/mailing lists on the past regarding pywikibot.

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