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Topic on Project:Support desk

Problems with website layout after upgrading to 1.35

Summary by Fokebox

Issue resolved. Wrong CSS setting for new version.

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Hello all,

I have finally made an upgrade of my wiki to 1.35. Now it works fine, but I see some bug: If you scroll the page all top menu tab stays on the top of the page: https://wikireshebnik.ru/

Don't know how to resolve it? Can you please help?

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

The problem is coming from this CSS page that contains the following:

  #mw-head {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    width: 100%;

I'm not sure where that is set (codesearch is confusing me, atm) but maybe that will give you a clue.

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

I have also no idea where it comes from? from any file of previous MW version?! I checked Common.css file - there is no such code. Reuploaded folder with skins from MW 1.35 - I still have such bug.

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

Try adding something to Commmon.css to override this the position bit. I think this should do it:

  #mw-head {
    position: relative;

or something. I've played with it a bit and can't do anything with it.

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

I have made access to Commons.css& Tried to remove it or add your code - nothing helps (

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Very strange things happens with new version. So I installed completely new MW 1.35 - of course all is fine, but as soon as I indicate my current DB (used by MW 1.29) - I see this bug, so it means that something wrong with DB.

One more thing: now Admin does not have a right to edit Mediawiki:Common.css - no idea how to fix it

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Let me describe the problem once again. I show what I have and what happens after upgrading from 1.29 to 1.35

As far as I understand the problem somehow connected with VisualEditor.

So in my updated MW the top tab stays always on top when I scroll the page down, which is weird. And the same time, when I edit a page in VisualEditor the toolbar that should always be on top of the page stays on top when page is scrolled down (all should be contra-versa):

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

I don't think its about the position:absolute on #mw-head.

The overflow-y: scroll rule on body is a more likely candidate, but I'm still not really sure.

Are you using the right version of Vector for your version of MediaWiki?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Ok, I see what's happening.

In https://wikireshebnik.ru/index.php/MediaWiki:Common.css you have:

html {

This interferes with a relatively recent change to vector where its setting overflow-y on the body. Having that prop on both the body and the html tag causes them to interfere with each other and produces what you are seeing (along with sometimes double scrollbars on the right-hand side, or at least wider right margins).

Try removing the above lines from MediaWiki:Common.css . In order to edit this file you need to give yourself interface administrator (Администраторы интерфейса) in Special:UserRights.

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Perfect! Now it all works fine! I don't even remember why I added this line to CSS )

The issue is resolved. I have other minor issues to resolve, but I will create separate topic on this.

THank you for you help!