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Topic on Talk:Wikidata Bridge/Flow

Create new Items if needed

Hogü-456 (talkcontribs)


I was at a meeting with editors of a LocalWiki called FürthWiki and they use SemanticMediaWiki and then I saw how they edit the data with forms. I think that a form is a helpful thing for editing data. In Wikidata it is currently possible to use it for creating new items with WikidataCradle. Do you plan to offer forms for creating items in a further version. For example a mayor of a city is a example where a item about it does usually not exist in a little village before the election. So this is something what has to be created when editing the value in the Infobox. Have you plans how you want to solve this.

Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talkcontribs)

Yes, we will have to offer a way to create new items through the Bridge in the future. This is quite a complex topic and we are not fully decided on how we want to tackle this.

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