@Bovender I'm really enjoying your extension (using on https://wikimsk.org) Would you consider looking into having a parameter for identifying the article as open or closed access? I'm not sure how pubmed stores this information though as it doesn't seem to be in the XML file. e.g. for this open access article https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=20203111&retmode=xml
Topic on Extension talk:PubmedParser/Flow
Thanks for the suggestion and your kind words. You're right, Open Access information is nowhere to be found in the data. Maybe they query some other data source in the background. If you do not absolutely need to have a link to the original PDF, you can use a link to the full text in PubMed Central as a workaround. That's how I do it in my Wikis. My Pubmed template contains this bit: {{#if:{{{pmc}}}|[https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/{{{pmc}}}?report=reader Volltext]}}
. At least in some cases, the PubReader has a link to the original PDF at the top left. BTW I realize I should amend the Readme with this information...
Thank you that is very helpful, I've adjusted my template to include that. I added a line to the template variable table about it, I hope that's ok.
Thanks very much, sure it's ok ;-) If I ever have some spare time, I'll move the Readme over to the Github repository to have a single version-controlled place where code and documentation is stored.