MediaWiki 1.31.6 PHP 7.3.15 (cgi-fcgi) MySQL 5.6.41-log LinkedWiki 3.3.7
I have Pageforms query form That I have been using for some time. after upgrade, The query works, however the links are bad know.
I get: server.comClient_Firewall/TS-2DRoadmap it should be:
{{#ifeq: {{{cat|}}} | Technology | {{#sparql: PREFIX property:<server.comProperty-3A> PREFIX swivt:<> PREFIX rdfs:<> PREFIX xsd: <> SELECT ?Name ?Owner ?Publication_Status ?Start_Date ?End_Date ?Status ?Link WHERE { ?Link property:Has_parent_page ?parent. ?parent property:PublicationStatus ?Publication_Status . ?Link property:Has_subobject ?Subobject . ?Subobject property:Technology_Name ?Name . ?Subobject property:Has_Start_Date ?Start_Date . OPTIONAL { ?Subobject property:Has_End_Date ?End_Date . } ?Subobject property:Has_Support_Status ?Status . OPTIONAL { ?parent ?p ?sub . ?cat rdfs:label ?Category . FILTER(CONTAINS(STR(?cat), "Category")) . ?sub rdfs:subClassOf ?cat . ?sub rdfs:label ?Subcategory . } {{#ifeq: {{{subcategory|}}} | all | | FILTER regex(?Subcategory, "{{{subcategory|}}}", "i") . }} {{#if:{{{tech|}}} | FILTER regex(?Name, "{{{tech|}}}", "i") . }} {{#if:{{{tech_owner|}}} | ?Link property:OwnedBy ?Owner . FILTER regex(?Owner, "{{{tech_owner|}}}", "i") . | OPTIONAL { ?Link property:OwnedBy ?Owner . } }} {{#if: {{{tech_contact|}}} | ?Link property:Contact ?Contact . FILTER regex(?Contact, "{{{tech_contact|}}}", "i") . | }} {{#if: {{{manufactured|}}} | ?parent property:ManufacturedBy ?Manufacturer . FILTER regex(?Manufacturer, "{{{manufactured|}}}", "i") . | }} {{#ifeq: {{{status|}}} | all | | FILTER regex(?Status, "{{{status|}}}", "i") . }} {{#ifeq: {{{support|}}} | all | | ?Subobject property:Supported_By ?Support . FILTER regex(?Support, "{{{support|}}}", "i") . }} } ORDER BY ?Name ?End_Date LIMIT 100000 |endpoint=}} | }}