So I've recently upgraded my mediawiki and have been overhauling a lof of the backend.
When trying to get the social extentions up again everything looks good until I do one of two things
1: if I load the extensions that I use-
wfLoadExtension( 'BlogPage' );
wfLoadExtension( 'Comments' );
wfLoadExtension( 'VoteNY' );
and I try to look at any of the blogs I previously made I get the following error:
Database error (page title)
A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.
[f655cda325d32fdaad3b57a0] /afropedia/Blog:Life_on_The_Open-Air_Plantation_Aint_Equal Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError from line 1603 of /var/www/worldafropedia/wiki/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php: A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?
Query: SELECT Comment_Username,Comment_IP,Comment_Text,Comment_Date,Comment_Date AS timestamp,Comment_user_id,CommentID,Comment_Parent_ID,vote1.Comment_Vote_Score AS current_vote,SUM(vote2.Comment_Vote_Score) AS comment_score,stats_total_points FROM `user_stats` LEFT JOIN `Comments` ON ((Comment_user_id = stats_user_id)) LEFT JOIN `Comments_Vote` `vote1` ON ((vote1.Comment_Vote_ID = CommentID) AND vote1.Comment_Vote_Username = 'Kofi') LEFT JOIN `Comments_Vote` `vote2` ON ((vote2.Comment_Vote_ID = CommentID)) WHERE Comment_Page_ID = '19004' GROUP BY CommentID
Function: CommentsPage::getComments
Error: 1054 Unknown column 'stats_user_id' in 'on clause' (localhost)
If I try to make a new blog post I get:
[013afee92b964d8e9669368f] /afropedia/Special:CreateBlogPost TypeError from line 142 of /var/www/worldafropedia/wiki/includes/page/WikiPage.php: Argument 1 passed to WikiPage::factory() must be an instance of Title, null given, called in /var/www/worldafropedia/wiki/extensions/BlogPage/includes/specials/SpecialCreateBlogPost.php on line 105
2: if I disable everything except BlogPage:
and I try to look at any of the blogs I previously made, I the load.
If I try to make a new blog post I get:
[ba6d8b074deed09cf90d9a9a] /afropedia/Special:CreateBlogPost TypeError from line 142 of /var/www/worldafropedia/wiki/includes/page/WikiPage.php: Argument 1 passed to WikiPage::factory() must be an instance of Title, null given, called in /var/www/worldafropedia/wiki/extensions/BlogPage/includes/specials/SpecialCreateBlogPost.php on line 105