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Topic on User talk:AlgorithmGG/Flow

Buliding a custom mediawiki server || Missing LAU / Appache 2.4 / SQLite

Summary by AlgorithmGG


AlgorithmGG (talkcontribs)

Ok so I have figured the LAU 126 error is going to be imperative if the LAU MVC engine isn't installed on my server.

To install LAU 5.1 ' I need the correct version of apache server http 2.4 I also need to install SQLite on this custom server to install structured discussions. As it stands I have little choice but to build the server myself unless I can find an alternative other than LAU to model view and control the information required while using the templates.

Note also: The infoboxes are not the issue as have a custom box it is more so to use the Age template.

Hopefully this post doesn't offend anyone, I am making notes to help troubleshoot my mediawiki project.