I have Mediawiki 1.31 installed on Centos 7 as well as the latest version of FreeIPA on another Centos7 machine. I've tried joining Mediawiki to the FreeIPA domain with LdapAuth, but keep getting errors in the mediawiki logs when trying to log into Mediawiki with an LDAP account:
[authentication] Attempting to bind to LDAP for search with DN "uid=mediawiki,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=DOMAIN,dc=com@DOMAIN.COM".
[authentication] Bound successfully.
[authentication] Incorrect username or password entered.
I know the username and password listed in my config is correct but I keep seeing this error: Here's my config in LocalSettings.php
wfLoadExtension( 'LdapAuth' );
$wgLdapAuthDomainNames = ['DOMAIN.COM'];
$wgLdapAuthServers = 'FREEIPA_server1, FREEIPA_server2';
$wgLdapAuthBindDN = 'uid=mediawiki,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=DOMAIN,dc=com';
$wgLdapAuthBindPass = 'PASSWORD';
$wgLdapAuthUseLocal = true;
I also set up the FreeIPA client on the mediawiki machine and can ssh to it with LDAP accounts no problem.
Any thoughts?