I previously created a dpl to help me with my maintenance jobs on a wiki. Some time ago we got an update to the last version and it caused all dpl's that used the modifiedby field to throw up this error.
The DPL extension (version 2.3.0) produced a SQL statement which lead to a Database error.
The reason may be an internal error of DPL or an error which you made,
especially when using DPL options like titleregexp.
Query text is:
SELECT DISTINCT `wdd_page`.page_namespace AS page_namespace,`wdd_page`.page_title AS page_title,`wdd_page`.page_id AS page_id, rev_user, rev_user_text, rev_comment, rev_timestamp, rev_id FROM `wdd_revision` AS rev, `wdd_revision` AS change_rev, `wdd_page` INNER JOIN `wdd_categorylinks` AS cl0 ON `wdd_page`.page_id=cl0.cl_from AND (cl0.cl_to='5e') INNER JOIN `wdd_categorylinks` AS cl1 ON `wdd_page`.page_id=cl1.cl_from AND (cl1.cl_to='User') LEFT OUTER JOIN `wdd_categorylinks` AS cl2 ON `wdd_page`.page_id=cl2.cl_from AND cl2.cl_to='Meta' WHERE 1=1 AND cl2.cl_to IS NULL AND `wdd_page`.page_namespace NOT IN ('1') AND `wdd_page`.page_is_redirect=0 AND `wdd_page`.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp=( SELECT MAX(rev_aux.rev_timestamp) FROM `wdd_revision` AS rev_aux WHERE rev_aux.rev_page=rev.rev_page ) AND = change_rev.rev_user_text AND change_rev.rev_page = page_id AND `wdd_page`.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp < 20181117160000 ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC, rev_id DESC
Error message is:
Column 'rev_user' in field list is ambiguous (
When the following is inputted:
{{#dpl:|allrevisionsbefore=201811171700|ordermethod=lastedit|order=descending|distinct=true|category=User|notnamespace=Talk|notcategory=Meta|modifiedby=ConcealedLight|noresultsheader=—|mode=userformat|format=,\n* %DATE% %PAGE%}}
Any suggestions?