Heya! Did you know you can use the "Show preview" button to see what your edits will look like, before saving the page? It should not take 40 edits to a page to finally achieve what you want; rather, it should reasonably take 1-4 edits. If you really want to make multiple changes to a page over a period of time (that you can't achieve in a short timespan), then you should copy/paste the contents of that page into a personal sandbox where you can make as many tiny little edits as you want (since it's your user page, and not a main page). When you're finished, then you can copy/paste the contents of that page into the actual main page, citing your sandbox in your edit summary when you do so.
Topic on User talk:Warchlak/Flow
I am using built-in tool to translate content. I cant edit or even display source code of page that way. There is option to export PO file for offline translation, but i have no idea how to import back translated file.