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Topic on Extension talk:Widgets/archive 2

Twitter widget not working anymore since new Twitter method to share feed

Summary by DSquirrelGM

Widget code updated on MediaWikiWidgets.

Albert Ke (talkcontribs)

Hi all,

I just want to make people aware that the twitter feed widget is not working anymore since September 10th. I have marked them as such in the list (crossed text through). They don't work anymore as twitter changed there method of how you can tab into your twitter feed and removed the old option to link to your twitter feed

MGChecker (talkcontribs)
Kelson (talkcontribs)

Here is how mine works now, `id` is the Twitter user at:

* https://wiki.kiwix.org/wiki/Main_Page

* https://wiki.kiwix.org/wiki/Widget:Twitter

DSquirrelGM (talkcontribs)
Hurohukidaikon (talkcontribs)
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