I use Code Blocks on my wiki, one thing I like on microsoft pages (eg: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/azurerm.compute/get-azurermvm?view=azurermps-6.7.0), is that the code blocks they use has a copy button on the top right, is there a way of doing this kind of thing in mediawiki?
Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow
Extension:PreToClip appears to work for <pre></pre> tags, maybe just a few changes will make it work for <syntaxhighlight></syntaxhighlight> tags too.
However, it uses Flash, which might be a deal breaker for a lot of people.
What's wrong with flash? I might try it but would prefer something I don't need to edit to make work.
This post was hidden by Quinnj09 (history)
Here is a pure js solution, but you'll have to do some coding: clipboard.js
Flash is horrible and you should avoid it.
Unfortunately I wouldn't have a clue how to implement it, but thanks for the suggestion.