Aside from the MediaWiki:Common.css page, any page (MediaWiki:Common.js, Module pages, pages including syntaxhighlight tags) that needs to call Extension:SyntaxHighlight throws out the following process timed out error:
Fatal exception of type "Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessTimedOutException"
The problematic process according to the logs:
The process "'.../extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/pygments/pygmentize' '-l' 'lua' '-f' 'html' '-O' 'cssclass=mw-highlight,encoding=utf-8'" exceeded the timeout of 60 seconds.
- Tested versions: MediaWiki core (REL1_30) - SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi (REL1_30) - PHP (5.6; 7.0; 7.1; 7.2)
In the case of REL1_31 branch, the process continues to run (and the browser continues to load) indefinitely without throwing out the timed out error. Even when the browser loading has been stopped, the php-cgi command keeps on running in the background and has to be manually terminated through SSH. This could possibly be because composer update removes the "symfony" package.
- Tested versions: MediaWiki core (REL1_31) - SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi (REL1_31) - PHP (7.0; 7.1; 7.2)
- Tested versions: MediaWiki core (REL1_31) - SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi (master) - PHP (7.2)
The pygmentize file has execute permissions (755). Also updated composer.
Platform is shared hosting CentOS environment. Process used to work previously, hosting support confirmed not to have made any changes to the server and even tried to run the script after disabling all firewall protections to no avail.
Anyone has any ideas?