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Topic on Help talk:CirrusSearch/Flow

Summary by Pipetricker

When publishing or saving a search link, there's no benefit in including the &searchToken=something at the end of the URL, so it's better left off.

Pipetricker (talkcontribs)

If I publish a link to a search query, should I include the searchToken (like &searchToken=a1b2c3d4) in the URL, or should I not? (Let's say this search link will be used a lot.) Does it matter at all?

What is the purpose of the searchToken parameter?

PerfektesChaos (talkcontribs)

If you want to use comprehensive links, please omit the &searchToken=whaffle suffix.

It is used by developers to track most recent queries, but has no effect later.

Once I thought this will reuse a previous result set and will allow to accelerate by scrolling through thousands of recent hits, but I learned that it just leaves a track in a temporary server log for a few minutes.

Pipetricker (talkcontribs)

The possibility that it was for re-use of a cached search was what I wanted to rule out with this question.

DCausse (WMF) (talkcontribs)