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Topic on Extension talk:DonationInterface/Flow

Clarkcj12 (talkcontribs)

Can it be possible to add in support for bitcoin or anyother cryptocurrency donations?

Adamw (talkcontribs)
Clarkcj12 (talkcontribs)

Not quite what I meant. I meant that could the extension add support for Bitcoin? I would like to use it on my Wiki but would like to have donationgateway/interface with this that allows giving in BitCoin.

Adamw (talkcontribs)

Are you using DonationInterface on your wiki currently? Please do let us know if that's the case, it would mean a lot to the Fundraising Test tech team to get in touch.

Meanwhile, you should be able to do a donation integration using an URL or small HTML snippet on your wiki, I'd recommend that approach.

Clarkcj12 (talkcontribs)

Hi @Adamw, I am not currently. But plan on doing it shortly actually about to install it today. I have been reading over it. Sure, since I do plan on installing it I wouldn't mind working with you or your Fundraising Test Tech Team. I am a small wiki so it probably wouldn't help much. But any way I can help let me know.

EEggleston (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi @Clarkcj12! While we on the Fundraising Tech team are thrilled to have interest in our work from outside the foundation, I'd have to second Adamw's warning above.

The extension is pretty tailored to our needs, and might be over-complex for a simpler use case:

- International fundraising (many countries / currencies / languages)

- A non-wiki backend database to store the actual contribution records (we use CiviCRM with various drupal modules developed in-house)

- Bursts of donation traffic too intense to record in real-time (the DonationInterface front-end sends donations to a queue rather than recording directly to CiviCRM)

- Tracking sources of contributions to analyze effectiveness of our banners: The ContributionTracking table has columns for a lot of utm_ variables that get passed along on the querystring

- PCI SAQ-A compliance. This is the easiest of the PCI levels to acquire, but it is necessary to use any of the credit card processors supported by DonationInterface.

- Deduplication of settings across a variety of web apps. This is a work in progress, but it means that some of the configuration now lives in yaml files in a https://github.com/wikimedia/wikimedia-fundraising-SmashPig configuration directory.

- Redundancy. In case we somehow don't record a donation from the front-end, we listen for instant payment notifications from most of our processors. And in case both of those fail, the CiviCRM modules include jobs to parse nightly audit files and reconcile them with what's in the Civi databse.

If you're still interested, here are some instructions for setting up the whole environment: Fundraising Tech/Donation Pipeline Setup

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