It's not clear how relationships between different representations of different forms of a word will be represented. For example, "color" and "colour" are two representations of color. Similarly, "colors" and "colours" are two representations of colors, which is the plural of color. However, "colours" is not the plural of "color", and "colors" is not the plural of "colours".
Similarly, in Serbo-Croatian, Latin "pȁs" and Cyrillic "пас" (meaning "dog") are two representations of one lexeme, and "psȉ" and "пси̏" are two representations of another, related lexeme (the plural). How can the more specific relationship between pȁs/psȉ and пас/пси̏ be represented?
On a related note, would there be any explicit representation of the fact that "color" is an AmE variant and "colour" is a BrE/CanE variant, while "pȁs" is the Latin variant and "пас" the Cyrillic variant?