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Topic on Extension talk:SimpleChanges

Error with Mediawiki 1.29.0

Summary by Reception123
Kyr (talkcontribs)

After upgrading to 1.29.0 and installing latest version of SimpleChanges REL1_29 from 2017-06-14 I received the following error:

[WXireMPqi-oAAMpyrjkAAAAQ] /xxx/pedia/index.php/Spezial:Vereinfachte_%C3%84nderungen Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError from line 1075 of /xxx/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php: A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT rc_id,rc_timestamp,rc_user,rc_user_text,rc_namespace,rc_title,rc_comment,rc_minor,rc_bot,rc_new,rc_cur_id,rc_this_oldid, rc_last_oldid,rc_type,rc_source,rc_patrolled,rc_ip,rc_old_len,rc_new_len,rc_deleted,rc_logid,rc_log_type,rc_log_action, rc_params,page_latest,wl_user,wl_notificationtimestamp,page_latest,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ct_tag SEPARATOR ',') FROM `change_tag` WHERE ct_rc_id=rc_id ) AS `ts_tags` FROM `recentchanges` LEFT JOIN `page` ON ((rc_cur_id=page_id)) LEFT JOIN `watchlist` ON (wl_user = '3' AND (wl_title=rc_title) AND (wl_namespace=rc_namespace)) LEFT JOIN `page` ON ((rc_cur_id=page_id)) WHERE (rc_bot = 0) AND (rc_timestamp >= '20170719000000') AND (rc_type != 3) AND ((rc_namespace = 0)) AND (rc_this_oldid=page_latest) AND rc_new IN ('0','1') ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC LIMIT 150

Function: SpecialRecentChanges::doMainQuery

Error: 1066 Not unique table/alias: 'page' (localhost)


#0 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(933): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->reportQueryError(string, integer, string, string, boolean)

#1 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(1269): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->query(string, string)

#2 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/specials/SpecialRecentchanges.php(291): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->select(array, array, array, string, array, array)

#3 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/specialpage/ChangesListSpecialPage.php(545): SpecialRecentChanges->doMainQuery(array, array, array, array, array, FormOptions)

#4 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/specialpage/ChangesListSpecialPage.php(481): ChangesListSpecialPage->getRows()

#5 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/specials/SpecialRecentchanges.php(69): ChangesListSpecialPage->execute(NULL)

#6 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/specialpage/SpecialPage.php(522): SpecialRecentChanges->execute(NULL)

#7 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(578): SpecialPage->run(NULL)

#8 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/MediaWiki.php(287): SpecialPageFactory::executePath(Title, RequestContext)

#9 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/MediaWiki.php(862): MediaWiki->performRequest()

#10 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/includes/MediaWiki.php(523): MediaWiki->main()

#11 /home/follow/html/interna/mediawiki-1.29.0/index.php(43): MediaWiki->run()

#12 {main}

MySQL documentation says something like:

you can't refer to the PAGE table twice in the same query without giving it an alias in at least one of the joins.

Tosfos (talkcontribs)

Just confirming, did you run update.php or the web updater after upgrading?

Kyr (talkcontribs)

Sorry, for the late replay.

Yes, I run update.php. After running update.php it seems to work, but after some time the error occurs again. I'm not sure what "some time" is, maybe the next change to the database. Running update.php again fixed it till the next change.

I removed the extension for now from my wiki - it is only a "nice to have".

Coradriaan (talkcontribs)

After upgrading to 1.29 on Miraheze.org I have an error on my wikipage which has the extension in the code:


MediaWiki internal error.

Original exception: [e048d054ab5d083d5d8bcc37] 2017-08-14 06:10:12: Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError"

Exception caught inside exception handler.

Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; and $wgShowDBErrorBacktrace = true; at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information


The error happens only when I am logged in. Visitors with read only rights don't see a fault. I removed the extension from the page.

Tosfos (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the bug reports. The bug has been fixed in the latest master branch of the extension.

Reception123 (talkcontribs)
Aimednovac (talkcontribs)

Hello, Or then I download the corrected version. Thank you in advance.

Tosfos (talkcontribs)

The patch on the REL1_29 branch was merged. (talkcontribs)


I edit my .php file with two extension and I have found this error:

[a620f90a7b260d6c501e2d68] 2017-10-05 09:42:59: Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError"

Does anyone know what it is for?

Thank you

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