One of the reasons ArchComm has always felt a little out-of-scope and honestly, a little boring :) for us opsens is that it has traditionally focused on very esoteric software architecture decisions (e.g. dependency injection), and less so on the broader system/platform architecture of our software stack and its application in production.
There are obviously counterexamples (the SOA RFC and the Thumbnail RFC from 2013 come to mind) but this context-switching between vastly different abstraction layers of our stack and level of detail have made the committee a bit impossible to follow or join. It has also resulted in at least the appearance being that ArchComm was not really interested in that sort of level of detail and thus a lot of the broader architectural work happening outside the committee -- and, frankly, in my opinion, with most committee members even unaware of the changes in that space.
Is that something that you have thought about and if so, what is your opinion on this? (This won't be a surprise either, I've discussed this with a number of you already before)