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Topic on Project:Support desk


Summary by SolidBlock


SolidBlock (talkcontribs)

My preference language is zh-hans (中文(中国大陆)). When I click a Special:MyLanguage link, it won't take me to the place with "/zh" and "大陆简体" various. For example, when I click Special:MyLanguage/Help:Navigation, I will be took to Help:Navigation (the English page), instead of Help:Navigation/zh with zh-cn various. Please fix the problem soon.


I'm not good at English

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
SolidBlock (talkcontribs)


Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

The problem may be that Help:Navigation/zh exists, but not Help:Navigation/zh-cn

You can try setting Assistant languages: adding zh

It may be task T55789, although zh-cn variants seem to be different, in the sense that MediaWiki can automatically convert between such variants.

It may be very valuable if you can comment on that task the problem. I can do that for you if you're not sure.

SolidBlock (talkcontribs)

Thanks. I am not good at English. I have already set Assistant languages adding zh, but it may not work. (谢谢。我不太擅长英语。我已经在辅助语言加入zh了,但是没用。)

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Yes, I've reproduced the issue changing my language in preferences. I've added a new comment in the task explaining this situation. Feel free to subscribe yourself there if you want to be notified about updates.