Hi, We have recently had some problems with our original PubMed extension implementation hanging the Wiki server and were trying to test PubmedParser as a possible solution. I have a simple problem on my test page https://embryology.cmsdev.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php/Test_PubmedParser, that it is not returning entries for single author papers. Have I missed something?
Topic on Extension talk:PubmedParser/Flow
Hm, works just fine over here with PMID 17304021 for example. Please try to force fetching it from Pumed again: {{#pmid:17304021|reload}}
Plus, could you please tell me what server your Wiki is running on and whether you have allow_url_fopen
enabled? Are you able to cite other articles listed on Pubmed? (It cannot have anything to do with single vs. multiple authors, the error occurs because no XML data is received, for whatever reason.)