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Topic on Talk:Content translation/Flow

Not hide the translations links, when Content translation is out of service

Alex Blokha (talkcontribs)

Hello, can you not hide the translations links, when Content translation is out of service?

Just replace it with any placeholder notifing about status.

Because its hard to understand what happened, when it just disappears. You check cookies, preferences, making logout-login etc. just find the problem, which is not on your side at all.

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

Since the tool is completely disabled, this is not possible.

Basquetteur (talkcontribs)

I support this suggestion

Donarius (talkcontribs)

Me too.

Bageense (talkcontribs)

It took me hours to figure out what was going on.

The incompetence of Wikimedia is astounding. It took them a decade to come up with a simple tool used to visually edit articles, something that should always have existed.

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)
Framawiki (talkcontribs)

It should be back now.

Alex Blokha (talkcontribs)


KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

Let us know if tool is not working for you or you're facing any other issue(s).

Alex Blokha (talkcontribs)

No it is still not working. I don't see links for translations in English wikipedia. No translation interface in ukrainian wiki.

Alex Blokha (talkcontribs)

ok its on. You need to activate it in preferences again.

Framawiki (talkcontribs)

Devs have disabled completely the extension because they did not know where was located the problem.

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